"Novi(media)grad / Citta(media)nova"
City Permutations

"per(mutations)" Symposium, Part IV

Infinite Games

31. August - 3. September 2009



Heiko Daxl / Ingeborg Fülepp Media in Motion (HR/D) Niksa Gligo, University of Zagreb, Music Academy (HR), Jerica Ziherl, MMSU Rijeka (HR)

Djanino Bozic and Ketrin Milicevic-Miosek, Museum Lapidariun and Gallery RIGO Novigrad / Cittanova; (HR)

ASSISTANCE: Ivan Blaskovic, Sabina Oroshi

PARTICIPANTS: Susanne Altmann (D),Simon Bogojevic-Narath (HR), Byzantine Cadillac (Cameron Bobro, Luka Dekleva, Peter Tomas Dobrila) (SI), Djanino Bozic (HR), Luka Brajovic (HR/E), Tomislav Brajnovic (HR) Tanja Dabo (HR), Heiko Daxl (D), Ingeborg Fülepp (HR/D), Kalle Hamm (F), Ida Hirsenfelder (SI), Miha Horvat-Sonda (SI), Susanne Kienbaum (D), Dalibor Martinis, Ksenija Orelj (HR), Katja Praznik (SI), Nika Radic (HR/D), Ivica Seremet (HR), Goran Tomcic (HR/USA), Branka Uzur (AU/HR)

Special Guests: Seadeta Midzic; Spetial visitor Päivi Hernesniemi

X-OP Partners:
Kibla (SI): Cameron Bobro, Luka Dekleva, Petar Tomas Dobrila, Aleksandra Kostic
Taidekoulu MAA (FI): Kalle Hamm, Minna Henriksson, Tero Nauha
Media in Motion (DE): Heiko Daxl, Ingeborg Fülepp
Apartment Project (TR): Selda Asal, Serra Ozhan
Egon March Institute (SI): Marko Kosnik
Instituto Politecnico de Tomar (PT): Gonçalo Leite Velho
Transforming Freedom (AT): Volker Eckl, Leo Findeisen
Muzej-Museo Lapidarium (HR): Djanino Bozic, Jerica Ziherl
CIANT (CZ): Svetlana Bogomolova, Pavel Sedlak
MOKS (EE); Evelyn Müürsepp, John Grzinich


Opening and closing Media-Scape I City Officials I Performances

Photomovie I Video Documentations

"Infinite games do not have a knowable beginning or ending. They are played with the goal of continuing play. An infinite game continues play, for sake of play. If the game is approaching resolution because of the rules of play, the rules must be changed to allow continued play. The rules exist to ensure the game is infinite. Examples could be the life of a culture and its participants, the act of artistic creation, participation in activities such as Renaissance Fairs or other non-goal-directed play, role-playing games in which playing rather than winning is the motivation. Ultimately, life itself is the fullest realization of the infinite game. Beginning to participate in an infinite game may be involuntary, in that it doesn't require conscious thought. Continuing participation in the current round of game-play is voluntary. "It is an invariable principle of all play, finite and infinite, that whoever plays, plays freely" (Wikipedia)

Supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Region of Istria-office for education, culture and sport City of Novigrad
Media Scape Novigrad is part of the collaborative project X-OP: eXchange of art Operators and Producers. Project is partly funded by the European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Culture Programme