Gavin Hodge

© 2008 Gavin Hodge
(7 mins 22 secs, widescreen for a monitor VERTICALLY MOUNTED at 90°)
This piece explores the relationship between painting and electronic art and takes Marcel
Duchamp’s analysis of movement in his “Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2” (1912) as its
reference point.
I use an editing technique I developed during a video art workshop I was co-leading in
Amman, Jordan in May 2007. This technique involves overlaying several transparent
duplicates of one scene on the timeline, each layer starting a few frames later than the
previous. On the timeline, these staggered clips look like staircases. The visual result is a
ghosted trail of time and movement, which is essentially what Duchamp was investigating in
The piece was shot in artist Marcel Bühler’s studio in Berlin on February 5th and edited over
the following three days on a G4 laptop using Final Cut Pro, and was only made possible by
the generous support given me by Akiko Hada and Katharina Ratthey. The music is courtesy
of the band CLICK CLICK and includes the tracks “Minimal” and “Gearhead”.
MARCEL’S STEPS was first shown in Bergen, Norway as part of the “Microscope” exhibition
in the Kunsthøgskolen art school in February 2008.
Gavin Hodge
Berlin, 04.03.2008
1954 in London geboren. Nach einem Studium der Bildenden Kunst war er von1979 –1989 unterstützt vom British Film Institute und Channel Four Television Begründer und Koordinator von Video Workshops in Telford und Luton und Mitbegründer der anerkannten Gorilla Tapes Ltd. Seit 1991 wohnt und arbeitet Gavin Hodge in Berlin. Er war bis 1995 Videostudioleiter bei Art + Com Mediengestaltung e.V.. Seit der Gründung von ME & Company 1995 ist er der technische und kreative Leiter der Firma. Seit 1993 betreut Gavin Hodge als Gastdozent Einführungskurse in elektronischer Produktion und Postproduktion an der dffb.
1984 Death Valley Days (20 Min.)
Regie/Schnitt. Gesendet: Channel Four u.a.
1987 Invisible Television (54 Min.)
Co-Regie/Schnitt. Gesendet: Channel Four
1991 Zygosis - John Heartfield and the Political Image (26 Min.)
Regie/Schnitt. Gesendet: Channel Four, Sat 1, ORF, SRF, arte, u.a.
1993 The Truth Lies In Rostock (ca. 90 Min.)
Schnitt Gesendet: Channel Four, ZDF
2002 BUNKER – die letzten Tage (83 Min. 35mm)
Co-Autor, Co-Regie