STAUBGOLD / Markus Detmer
"Dank seines Gespürs für eine gewisse Form von Extravaganz im kaum mehr
überschaubaren Feld elektronischer und analoger Klangexperimente
avancierte sein Label [staubgold] seit der ersten Veröffentlichung 1998
vom Kölner Geheimtipp zum Aufsteiger der vergangenen Jahre... ein Sound,
der sowohl die Synapsen im Kopf, wie auch das wohlige Gefühl aus dem
Bauch heraus anspricht." (Matthias Puppe, Leipziger Volkszeitung)
Markus Detmer presents an eclectic collage of state-of-the-art sounds,
mixed with open ears and sensitive hands, ranging from the 20th
century's New Music and Avantgarde to the latest post-techno experiments
in today's underground with deep interest in unusual music of all kinds.
Markus Detmer has already played at: Sonar festival (Barcelona), What Is
Music? Festival (Sydney), F.I.B. festival (Benecassim), Fusion festival
(Berlin), Golden Pudel club (Hamburg) ...
Founded in 1998 by Markus Detmer in Cologne, and now located in Berlin,
the Staubgold label presents an eclectic range of unusual and free-form
music of all kinds, from FAUST's timeless Krautrock excursions via TO
ROCOCO ROT's post-techno electronica to the broken avantgarde of
EKKEHARD EHLERS and the clicks and cuts of VLADISLAV DELAY DELAY to the
rich extensions of minimalism by Paul Wirkus. The back catalogue of
Staubgold contains more than 70 releases, most of them full-length and
available both on cd and vinyl, including legendary avantgarde musicians
Keith Rowe, Oren Ambarchi, Rafael Toral, and Joseph Suchy as well as
three stunning collaborations with the Austrian ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL
feat. contributions by Alexander Balanescu, To Rococo Rot, Vladislav
Delay, Rupert Huber and many more. In recent years the label has put a
very interesting emphasis on bands and singer-songwriters working on
Post-Electronica und Songwriting, Folk, Psychedelia,
Popsong-Storytelling and impressive stage performances which is
represented by bands and artists like the No-Neck Blues Band, Leafcutter
John, Hassle Hound or the recent Blues twists of Ekkehard Ehlers.