Marine Antony - web

Dessin latent, interactive light installation, 2009.-2014.

We are placed into a world of shadows, which behaves differently from the theatre of shadows: in the theatre of shadows objects are moved in front of an immovable source of light, while in the world of shadows it is the source of light that moves, multiplying visions around a three-dimensional static form. The center of light in shadow theatre creates a frontal image. In contrast to that, Dessin Latent takes a three- dimensional virtual space and sets it in a framework of a real physical space, although its source images and shadows are two-dimensional. The invisible volume is reproduced by using a 3D computer program. The interactive digital device allows for the shadows to be created in real time, regardless of the position of the changing interface.

Marine Antony (1986 ) graduated visual arts at the l’École Européenne Supérieure de l’Image in Poitiers and dance and new media at the University of Quebec and the University Concordia in Montreal. In her work she is linking sound and movement with visual art in order to provide sensorial experience of a work as a whole, particularly devoted to a perception of space. Being interested in cognitive sciences she is recently working with interactive sound devices related to the notion of contemplation.