Ingeborg Fülepp
"" videoinstallation (zusammen mit Heiko Daxl), 2003/2009
"Smooth ice is paradise for those who dance with expertise" ("Glattes Eis ein Paradies Für den, der gut zu Tanzen weiss") Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: "For Dancers" in "The Gay Science - la gaya scienza", Preface 13, (1882)
Born in Zagreb,
lives and works in Berlin and Zagreb
1973-1977 studied film at the Academy for Theatre, Film and Television in
Zagreb; 1985-1988, post graduate studies, Ed.M, film and video studies and
interactive media at Harvard University (between others by professors Carol
Chomsky and Howard Gardner) and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
The Media Lab (by Professors Richard Leacock and Gloriana Davenport).
1978 - 1993 lfirst as lecturen and than as assistant professor at the Zagreb
University, Academy of Drama Arts, Zagreb, Croatia. Since 1983 lecturer
in USA, Great Britain, Netherlands, Austria and Germany. From 1997-2002
visiting professor at Hochschule für Film and Fernsehen Potsdam-Babelsberg.
Since 1997 lecturer at the University of Applied Technology and Business
in Berlin.
Independent works on film, video, interactive multimedia projects, video
art and video installations. Long term working as film and video editor
on feature films, short documentaries, advertisements, music videos, TV-
and video productions, and as assistant editor on different international
film co-productions. Worked with three American Academy Awarded winners:
film director Dusan Vukotic, producer Branko Lustig and scriptwriter Horton
Active participation on many international exhibitions, symposia and festivals.
Various scholarships, between others from Yugoslav Academy of Arts and Science,
Harvard University and Goethe Institute. Fundings between others from Croatian
Ministry of Culture, Ministerium für Kultur Hannover, Auswärtiges
Amt Bonn, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
(IFA) Stuttgart
1993 - 1999 Curator and art director of Media-Scape, International Symposium
and Exhibition for Media Art, Zagreg, and since 2006 Media-Scape Novigrad
and Strictly Berlin. 1996 - 2002 collaboration with the Studio for Electro
Acoustic Music of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin
Since 1991 collaboration with Heiko Daxl as mediainmotion, Berlin and later
also as dafü®.