Kristina Leko --> bio
Biography with Voice and cake, environment
in collaboration with Ivan Mrusic Klif (sound)
Cake Shop, zagrebacko slasticarsko ugostiteljsko poduzece, Gunduliceva
The History of Cake, Video
Autobiography, audio
Recipe, audio 3 min
The cake can be purchased and tasted
The environment temporary turns the cake shop into a space
dedicated to a special cake and the way it was created. The cake
is, in turn, dedicated to a love story and represents its happy
end. The video "The history of Cake" uses a voice to
narrate the love story in the first person, and interprets personal
boundaries as international borders, or vice versa. The visual
background consists of images of the Allies' advance in the World
War II. The story is told several times in a row, in different
languages: Croatian, English, French, German. A cake advertisement
appears between the stories. The audio piece "Recipe"
can be heard through headphones and contains instructions for
preparing the CAKE, and documentary material recorded in the cake
shop during the making of the cake.
The sound installation "When Exchange Longs for the Maximum
it Drops the Zero" can be heard at the Miroslav Kraljevic
Galery, Subiceva 29 for the duration of Media-Scape 7.
was born 1966 in Zagreb. She graduated at the Academy of Visual Arts in Zagreb. She also studies Philosophy and Indology at the University of Humanistic Studies in Zagreb. She is the member of HDLU (Croatian Society of Visual Arts) and had worked in the field of visual arts pedagogy. Since 1996 has worked programs on culture for the Croatian National Television. Since 1989 she exhibits her works at many national and international exhibitions, and she had six individual exhibitions. Awards: "Youth Salon" Zagreb 1992, "Zagreb Salon", Zagreb 1995, exhibitions "Croatian philosophy" and "Biennale of Slavonia" 1992. Her artistic expression starts in 1989 by series of photographic works. Later she was occupied with installation works which included "ready-made" objects, and since 1997 she is working on video-installations with the accent on establishing communication by video-links.