Peter Hutter - "After Science" ---> bio, --->web
Backstage of Time
Video/Sound -Installation by Peter Hutter - "After Science"
By the interacting means of three video and three musical compositions
(simultaneous running, but using different intervals of presentation
(on - off) (existence - silence), various levels of reality -
projection and -perception define a space of atmosphere and awareness
Each of the compositions themselves (Video + Music) is structured
by rhythms and overlaying of different "reality-projection-levels"
(interface of means + meanings) and so create a set of multiple
was born in 1954, Villach, Austria. From 1974. to 1978 he studied psychology in Graz, Austria. From 1972 he studied sax and vibes (John Cage). During his studies he has travelled across Europe, USA and Asia focusing on Jazz, 12-tone Music as well as on the traditional music of Japan and Bali.