The 1960s and 1970 in Germany

Book and CD-Rom by Rudolf Frieling / Dieter Daniels,

produced by the Goethe-Institut, Munich and ZKM, Karlsruhe, 1997

web Goethe-Institut

web ZKM

... So far, only individual aspects of Media Art have been examined from an art-historical perspective. While media festivals obviously need to focus on contemporary production, historical representations are either personalized and in consequence restricted to major names, or else confined to partial aspects, e.g. for the genre of video sculpture. (...) its is not only time to re-consider this history, but also bypass the exhibition route and use the possibility of presenting the actual material in vision, sound and word on CD-Rom together with a collection of longer essays in the print medium. The benefit of hindsight makes it possible to concentrate the representation of the first two decade of media art in accordance with positions that remain relevant today. ...

web Goethe-Institut

web ZKM