Jonathan Moberly
Publishers of architecture books, and originators of an extremely successful series of pocket architectural cityguides. London: a Guide to recent architecture has been a notable bestseller. Described by the UK Sunday Times as the "publishing hit of the season", it won an American Institue of Architects 1994 publishing award, and was shortlisted for the BBC design awards. Further titles in the series include Prague, Chicago and Los Angeles. Online editions will be available this spring.
We are committed to exploiting the publishing possibilities of the new media, and our first electronic product on cdrom, a history of world architecture, will be published spring 1996. We are also intent on exploring the web as a publishing medium. The internetting of the "Evolutionary Architecture" exhibition as The Interactivator in collaboration with the Architectural Association provides us with a real opportunity to explore the editorial and distribution advantages of publishing on the net.
The company has just undergone a management buyout transition: Artemis London became Ellipsis London on 1st January 1995.