Nenad Prelog


Majority of authors like to say that multimedia is a sum of all

revolutions in information processing, i.e. text, picture, film,

sound, etc. processing in the same time, on the same spot, with

the help of the same information machine. Some would emphasize

the connection of audio-visual strength of television with

interactive strength of computer, and publishing strength of

printing industry.

The simplest definition says that we are facing the use of

computers in the goal of enabling multisensual experience (eyes,

ears and touch; text, picture, sound and moving) controlled and

managed by user decisions or actions. Not to forget revolution in

customization: communication is not always mass communication,

more and more programs for specifical users and their needs,

active and dynamic, not passive or static communication. he main

problem is how to create creative public or audience, how to

teach them to use tools which are transparent enough that they do

not feel it as effort.

Why use electronic publications when the good old book give

answers to many questions? In the book we always know where we

are, how we get there, where are we going, and how much more we

expect. In the case of electronic publication the situation is

completely different - very often the only way out is to shut

down the computer. But, book is fixed and done, electronic

publication creates itself in front of the users eyes, it is not

the same for everybody. We live in the world of individuals with

different needs, harmony is in diversity.

Multimedia is a synthesis, but as every other connecting of

elements into new entities it looks for precedent crunching of

information in small pieces because we want to build new

contents. Information machine is in the first phase aiming toward

analysis; information are broken into bytes, pictures into

pixels, texts into characters. After this process we are looking

for synthesis, for integration; media are linked into multimedia,

users and computers are linked into networks, past, present and

future into virtual reality, etc. The user is now building new

entities, very often different ones each time. very soon new

contents are created, or we find new ways of connecting existing

and known facts (interactive novels, musical works, movies,

comics, etc.)

In the field of multimedia it resulted in a very interesting

phenomena: the sale of data in its very raw form, chunks and

pieces of information which have a meaning only in a context.

From data to information is still a long journey.

We can find today on the market:

- different sounds

- pieces of musical works

- pieces of stories

- pieces of movies

- graphics for all situations

- photos

- animated sequences

- facts

- backgrounds, etc.


To cope with the challenge of multimedia is one of the biggest

mission for our generation. This year we have developed a

graduate program in information science which will have a special

multimedia orientation.

Communication science, Presentation of information, Processing of

text and pictures, Design of multimedia systems, Multimedia

systems in organization, Business communication, Computer

graphics, Digital sound in multimedia, Video animation,

Interpersonal communication, Mass media and multimedia

technology, etc. are some of subjects we are going to offer to

our students. This program is offered to people in market

research, in education, journalists and graphical professionals,

and finally, to educators of any level.
