Georg Alexander Eisenhut


The light-concept MARINA MARRIO gots its basic impulse by the widely discussed chaos-theory. because of the combination of their translucence and heat resistance the valves of the shells Ostrea Crassa (the French oyster Fine de Claire), Ostrea edibles (the French-Belgish oyster Belon), Pecten Nobilis (edible shell from the Philippine Sea), Clamys Swifti (the Lion's Paw from the North Pacific), Pinctada Martensii (the Japanese pearl oyster) and the shells of the snails Halitions Rufescens (Californian Red Abalone) and Patella Laticostata (a snail from Kauai) were chosen as light-heads for the MARINO MARRIO lamp. A 4 millimetre cold tempered copper tube allows the enormous radius of freedom of about 1.40 met. This gives the ucor the chance to be his own creator of his lamp. by talking some time for the set-up, he might add to the copper material a charm that is rare to be seen. The differences of the valves and shells, even within one kind, express a very personal accent in the universal language of organic aesthetic. Most of the shells and snails, that were chosen for the project have an industrial economic relevance for the people living on the Atlantic respectively the Pacific shores; consequently the valves and shells are always available for the MARINA MARRIO project.