Andres Muk Heider

„disc. 2009“

disc.o is a multiplayer music instrument with eight CD player and corresponding speakers
arranged in a circular spatial installation. Sequentially switched Light spots in combination with
graphical cutouts in the CDs are creating noise patterns based on the principle of optical sound.
disc.o refers to the early optical sound instruments like Emerick Spielmann’s Superpiano (Austria, 1927) which was based on the same technique of sound creation through a photoelectric process. But disc.o doesn´t only use a repetitive method in sound generation, the whole instrument is based on the repetitive principle of the later developed step sequencer.
The circular arrangement of the instrument creates a visual representation of the Loop, which is the foundation of contemporary repetitive music. The interplay of traveling light with the corresponding acoustical response creates a spatial experience of this Loop.

cameraman and new media artist
born 1976 in Dobersberg, Lower Austria
living and working in vienna
05-10: University of Applied Arts, Vienna – digital art
graduated 06/10 at ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. art. Ruth Schnell
(class of Virgil Widrich – former Prof. Peter Weibel/Thomas Fürstner)
since 06: founding member of – association for mediaart
since 04: freelancing cameraman/assistant for Georg Riha, MRC FILM and others
2009: studying @ Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, NL
Internship @ The Patchingzone in Rotterdam, NL
05-08: freelancing for and with the VideoMovingSystem
99-04: interdisciplinary videoliveperformances and visuals in cooperation with
Bea von Schrader (dancer) & partly with livemusicians and painter Dieter Puntigam
01-03: working with Doris Kittler on documentary movies about former Soviet Union
99-01: working as GSM technician
until 98: Higher Technical graduation for control and feedback control systems