„(LOCATING)“, Sound Sculpture, 2010 Rubber boots, (invisible) miniature loudspeakers, pulsed sound reflecting inside the boots |
A pair of rubber boots carefully positioned in the gallery space. Electrical cables fill the resonant volumes with sound: pulsing, crackling, hissing, grinding noise bounces back and forth inside and from within the two rubber boots. One foot set slightly forward, the rubber boots seem ready to meander, to move on... - yet they remain static, immobile, caught in situ : forming a subtle and vibrating 'still life', an acoustic miniature of two objects taking on personality. Ascertaining, locating and repositioning their existence in a changing and mobile society. Timo Kahlen Sound sculptor and media artist Timo Kahlen (*1966), nominated for the German national "Sound Art Prize" (Deutscher Klangkunst-Preis 2006), has presented his experimental media work in more than 90 solo and group exhibitions since the mid-1980s : including invitations to “Tonspur expanded: Der Lautsprecher” (Vienna 2010), to the "60x60" project (New York 2009), to "MANIFESTA 7" (Italy 2008), to "Sound Art 2006" (Marl, Cologne, Duisburg), to "Wireless Experience" (Helsinki 2004), to "Zeitskulptur" (Linz 1997) and his one-man show "Timo Kahlen: Works with Wind", inaugurating the Kunst-Werke, Berlin 1991. In 2010, Timo Kahlen's work is supported by a scholarship of Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn".